
2018 half-year results

17 9 月 2018

Repositioning of the offer and restructuring show their first positive effects.


Company news and agenda details

13 9 月 2018

Details about funding agreement and proposed combination with DMS Group.


Intrasense continues its growth in Europe

3 9 月 2018

Several partnership agreements signed in Europe, strengthening Intrasense positions on its historical market.


Setting up of "OCA" bond financing

28 8 月 2018

Issue of Convertible Bonds with Share (OCA) for a maximum nominal amount of 3.5 millions euros over 3 years.


Intrasense reviews today the progress of proposed combination with DMS Group.

18 7 月 2018

Both companies are finalizing the contribution agreement and the exchange parity.


Intrasense unveils the latest version of Myrian®

16 7 月 2018

Worldwide launching of the latest version of Myrian® during the Chinese hospital information systems tradeshow.


Intrasense and Evolucare sign a multi-year partnership agreement

4 6 月 2018

This 5-year agreement guarantees Intrasense recurring revenues with this new partner.


Intrasense and DMS Group enter exclusive negotiations

15 5 月 2018

Intrasense and DMS Group enter exclusive negotiations for the contribution of DMS Group medical imaging activities to Intrasense.


2017 financial results and strategy for 2018

26 4 月 2018

Intrasense announces its 2017 financial results and strategy for 2018.


Myrian® at the « 3D Anatomy Days » of Varna University in Bulgaria

28 3 月 2018

Intrasense introduces Myrian® new features and proves its seamless integration capabilities within any health information system.
