// // It is highly recommended to set this option, even though it's not required. // defaults to undefined. //appElement: "#page-container", // Optional. You can customize the name of the cookie that Orejime uses for storing // user consent decisions. // defaults to "orejime". cookieName: "diadao_cookies", // Optional. You can set a custom expiration time for the Orejime cookie, in days. // defaults to 365. cookieExpiresAfterDays: 365, // You must provide a link to your privacy policy page privacyPolicy: JSON.parse(Config.orejimePrivacyPolicyPage), // You must provide a link to your cookies policy page cookiePolicy: JSON.parse(Config.orejimeCookiesPage), // Optional. Applications configured below will be ON by default if default=true. // defaults to true default: true, // Optional. If "mustConsent" is set to true, Orejime will directly display the consent // manager modal and not allow the user to close it before having actively // consented or declined the use of third-party apps. // defaults to false mustConsent: false, // Optional. If "implicitConsent" is set to true, Orejime will automatically accept // cookies if the user continues his navigation on the website after the // first page. If you enable this, you must warn the user // of this behavior in the notice window. You can do that easily by overriding // translation strings (see below). // defaults to false implicitConsent: false, // Optional. You can define the UI language directly here. If undefined, Orejime will // use the value given in the global "lang" variable, or fallback to the value // in the lang attribute, or fallback to "en". lang: Config.currentLang, // You can overwrite existing translations and add translations for your // app descriptions and purposes. See `src/translations.yml` for a full // list of translations that can be overwritten // translations: Config.texts.orejime, // If you want to use custom text for your project translations: {}, // The list of third-party apps that Orejime will manage for you. // The apps will appear in the modal in the same order as defined here. // appsList: ["analytics", "big_calendar", "orejime", "offerhighlight"], appsList: JSON.parse(Config.orejimeAppsList), apps: [] }

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Intrasense récompense l’innovation en imagerie et en Intelligence Artificielle avec le « Myrian Studio Challenge »

3 décembre 2018

Remise des prix à l’occasion du congrès RSNA 2018.

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Intrasense et 12 Sigma Technologies renforcent leur partenariat stratégique avec le lancement d’un portefeuille de solutions d’intelligence artificielle unique en Europe

26 novembre 2018

Lancement de solutions innovantes à l’occasion du congrès RSNA 2018.

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Renforcement de la stratégie et du positionnement d’Intrasense

22 novembre 2018

Lancement de solutions innovantes à l’occasion du congrès RSNA 2018.

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Intrasense annonce l’émission d’une tranche d’OCA au profit du fonds European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund

7 novembre 2018
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Intrasense signe un accord de coopération pluriannuel avec le leader chinois Kangda

5 novembre 2018

Signature d’un accord de coopération exclusive pour une durée de 5 ans. 210 000 euros de commandes fermes en 2018.

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