



Intrasense announces the CE marking of Liflow®’s new version enhanced by AI dedicated to the liver

16 12 月 2024

Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), medical imaging software solutions expert and developer of Myrian® et Liflow®, is proud to announce that the Lilfow® solution obtained the CE certification under MDR1, integrating a new AI algorithm for the detection of focal liver lesions developed in collaboration with Guerbet (trade name: DUOnco™ Liver). This new version is being deployed on clinical sites.


Guerbet, Intrasense, Gustave Roussy and the University Hospital of Angers receive a €5.9M financing from Bpifrance for Liflow®, innovative solution dedicated to oncology imaging

3 12 月 2024

Guerbet (FR0000032526 GBT) worldwide expert in contrast agents and medical imaging solutions, Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), expert in medical imaging software solutions and developer of Myrian® and Liflow®, Gustave Roussy, 1st cancerology centre in France and Europe and Angers University Hospital (« Partners ») announce they have received €5.9M in funding from Bpifrance’s “Innovation in Medical Imaging” call for proposals. The Oncology Assistant (trade name: Liflow®) project, carried by the four Partners uses AI (artificial intelligence) to facilitate and optimize the follow-up of cancer patients. It benefits from public funding to ensure its future development.


Intrasense announces the CE marking of Myrian 2.13, enriched by the new version of Guerbet’s prostate AI

20 11 月 2024

Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), spécialiste des solutions logicielles d’imagerie médicale et concepteur de Myrian® et Liflow®, est fier d’annoncer que la plateforme Myrian® 2.13 a obtenu le certificat CE sous MDR1, intégrant une nouvelle version majeure de l’IA prostate développée par Guerbet, l’IA Veolity® LungCAD développée par MeVis Medical Solutions AG et l’IA Icobrain™ développée par Icometrix.


Intrasense announces its participation in RSNA 2024, the world's leading medical imaging congress

6 11 月 2024

Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), specialist in medical imaging software solutions and developer of Myrian® and Liflow®, announces its participation in the RSNA 2024 international imaging congress. Intrasense will be showcasing its new Liflow® solution, as well as the innovations of the new version of Myrian®, on the stand of its partner Guerbet, symbolizing a collaboration serving excellence in medical imaging at a global level.


Liflow®, a solution dedicated to oncology imaging, wins the JFR 2024 Innovation Prize in the “Healthcare IT and AI” category

30 9 月 2024

Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), a specialist in medical imaging software solutions and the developer of Myrian® and Liflow®, is proud to announce that its Liflow® solution has been awarded the Prix Innovation JFR (Journées Francophones de la Radiologie) 2024 in the “Healthcare IT and AI” category.




