Legal information - Intrasense products

The Myrian® software, a Class IIa medical device, is developed, manufactured and distributed by Intrasense SA. It is CE marked by the GMED (NB 0459) in accordance with the requirements of regulation 745/2017 on medical devices.

As Myrian® is a medical device, precautions must be taken when using it.

Myrian® XP-Prostate option IA is an option of the Myrian® XP-Prostate application.

Myrian® XP-Lung Nodule option IA is an option of the Myrian® XP-Lung Nodule application.

Intrasense - 1231 Avenue du Mondial 98 - 34 000 Montpellier (France).
Intrasense® and Myrian® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intrasense SA in France and/or other countries.

Liflow® software, a Class IIa medical device, is developed, manufactured and distributed by Intrasense SA. It is CE marked by the GMED (NB 0459) in accordance with the requirements of regulation 745/2017 on medical devices.

As Liflow® is a medical device, precautions must be taken when using it.

The artificial intelligence algorithms integrated into Liflow® are in the process of CE marking - not available for sale - for demonstration purposes only.

Intrasense® and Liflow® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intrasense SA in France and/or other countries.