

Benefit from advanced functionalities for lung image processing (segmentation, analysis, 3D visualization). For suspected cancerous lesions, innovative tools enable quantification and intuitive follow-up of nodules guided by a new AI algorithm.
Our solutions support analysis, screening, therapeutic follow-up and assessment of treatment response for comprehensive management of lung conditions.

The added values

Functionalities tailored to aid early diagnosis of lung cancer

Use a single interface to detect, segment and measure lung nodules on thoracic scans. Myrian allows you to monitor the evolution of the nodule or its response to treatment.

AI integration for secure image analysis

Benefit from a set of intelligent functionalities to detect, segment and track lung lesions, thanks to one of the highest-performing solutions on the market (92.4% sensitivity).

A protocol dedicated to Covid-19

The first solution to analyze CE-marked Covid-19. Visualize and quantify the volume of regions affected by Covid-19, then report these results in a structured report.


Logiciel montrant la segmentation des nodules pulmonaires - IRM Poumon - Intrasense - Logiciel Imagerie Médicale, Myrian®


Use a set of advanced tools to segment, quantify and follow-up lung nodules intuitively. Simplify screening and therapeutic follow-up.
Semi-automatic lung nodule segmentation
Simultaneous review of history
Automatic synchronization of examinations
Longitudinal tracking of nodules
Automatic calculation of doubling time and growth percentage
3D visualization of lesions


Choose an AI algorithm perfectly integrated into your workflow to automatically detect nodules and track their evolution.
Automatic detection of solid and sub-solid lung nodules thanks to artificial intelligence
Synchronized comparison of anomalies detected on two examinations
One of the highest-performing solutions on the market (92.4% sensitivity, including on ground-glass nodules)
Visualisation 3D dans les moindres détails - IRM Poumon - Intrasense - Logiciel Imagerie Médicale, Myrian®


A complete solution for your lung examinations: lung tissue segmentation, 3D image visualization, parenchyma and airway analysis. Facilitate and secure your imaging analyses with high-performance functionalities.
Segmentation and quantification of low-attenuation tissues
Segmentation and quantification of tissues affected by Covid-19
Automatic segmentation of lung volumes and airways
Airway visualization for CPR and stenting as part of surgical planning
Segmentation des lésions
3D visualization of interactions between vasculature, airways and lesions
Lobectomy simulation with automatic calculation of post-procedure lung volumes
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