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Press releases

Intrasense partner of the Hypmed project, highlighted in ECR

14 February 2018

The Hypmed project, in which Intrasense is a partner, will be presented at European Congress of Radiology in Vienna.

See the press release

Government changes at Intrasense

9 February 2018

Intrasense announces the appointment of a new management team, with a new Chairman and new Chief Executive Officer.

See the press release

Intrasense and MinFound sign a cooperation agreement

5 February 2018

Intrasense and MinFound Medical Systems announce the signing of a research agreement, for development of a product based on Myrian® Studio.

See the press release

Intrasense partner of the ‘QUID-NASH’ project, granted by the French “Future Investment Program”

9 January 2018

Intrasense announces today that the ‘QUID-NASH’ project, in which it is a partner, is selected for the RHU call for health projects from the “Future Investment Program”

See the press release

Intrasense and Quantib sign a commercial agreement

11 December 2017

Partners announce the signing of a distribution agreement for Myrian® and join forces for a new product developement, based on Myrian® platform.

See the press release
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