Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), specialist in medical imaging software solutions and designer of Myrian®, has announced the signature of a strategic partnership with EDL. French leader in software packages for technical platforms of public and private healthcare establishments, EDL develops Xplore®, a radiology solution. This partnership will enable the integration and marketing of Myrian® clinical applications in the Xplore® suite.
Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), spécialiste des solutions logicielles d’imagerie médicale et concepteur de Myrian®, annonce ses résultats semestriels 2023 consolidés aux normes IFRS. Etant précisé que suite à l’OPA volontaire du groupe Guerbet, clôturée en date du 5 juin 2023, le groupe Intrasense est maintenant intégré dans le périmètre de consolidation du groupe Guerbet.
Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), specialist in medical imaging software solutions and developer of Myrian®, announces its attendance in the 2023 “Journées Francophones de la Radiologie” (JFR), where new innovative solutions incorporating artificial intelligence will be presented.
Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), specialist in medical imaging software solutions and developer of Myrian®, and Ebit, part of the italian group Esaote, specialized in the development of software solutions for diagnostic imaging, announce their strategic partnership to market Intrasense solutions in Italy.
Intrasense (FR0011179886 - ALINS), spécialiste des solutions logicielles d’imagerie médicale et concepteur de Myrian®, et Guerbet (FR0000032526 GBT), a global specialist in contrast agents and solutions for medical imaging, announce the signature on June 19, 2023 of a license agreement to integrate and market Guerbet's artificial intelligence algorithms within Intrasense software platforms.